Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Scarlet - Marissa Meyer (Book Review)


This is the second book in what I can so far tell to be an amazing series. Scarlet. Book two from The Lunar Chronicles series by Marissa Meyer. I have already written a book review on the first book, Cinder if you want to check that out, feel free! Just click the link below and it should take you right there! I’ll see you back here in a tick.

This book follows our second main character, Scarlet. She’s a farmer in France in search for her grandmother who has miraculously gone missing. This story, just like the first book, follows a fairy tale. This fairy tale is of course, the one and only, Little Red Riding Hood. And what an amazing story it turned out to be!

Honestly, as much as I did love it, I didn’t fall in love with it as much as I loved Cinder. I only gave it a four-star rating on Goodreads. Which shouldn’t deter anyone from reading it. Four stars is still incredibly good.

Unlike most series where when they change characters for the next book, it doesn’t solely follow Scarlet. There are still chapters from Cinder’s point of view. You still get frequent chapters encompassing her life and what she’s doing, so if you’re holding back from reading it because of this, then never fear!!

If you’re holding back from continuing because of the entire “space” ordeal and you just ain’t a huge fan of that, then you shouldn’t fear about that either. Space doesn’t seem to come into consideration just yet.

All in all, this book was an epic adventure just like the first. I love how we keep travelling, starting at New Beijing and now we’re in Europe. What an exciting turn of events. Everyone who hasn’t read this book totally should. I absolutely loved it!

Read it.

Do it.

It’s so fun. So worth it.

And if you have yet to read this, I suggest leaving now. Unless you wish to get spoiled. This is something I want to refrain from doing to you lovely people.

Fair winds my lovelies!

See you next time! <3
Why hello! Did you miss me?

Of course you did.

What an amazing turn of events. I love the fire that burns in Scarlet! She’s a feisty thing, now isn’t she? She carries a gun. She knows how to pilot and she has an attitude like no tomorrow.

Wolf though, I’m not a huge fan. He doesn’t seem like he’s going to pose as the best ally for Cinder. I mean, I understand bringing along Scarlet’s love and whatever but I have a feeling that this may hinder Cinder’s mission a bit. I mean, you’re bringing along an ally that can be completely, 110% be manipulated by the enemy.

Not a fan of this change of events.

I also don’t seem to care much for Wolf and Scarlet’s relationship. It’s very, unfulfilling. I love to see a spice of love and romance and the cutsie sh*t you see in contemporary novels. Ya know what I’m sayin’?


It’s just, I don’t see how anyone can find the idea of bestiality intriguing. I wasn’t aware that this was a mix between Red Riding Hood and Beauty and the Beast. Ha ha, of course I’m kidding. It’s just honestly not a relationship I can see myself getting invested in. I love Kai and Cinder. I can’t wait for them to reunite, but Wolf and Scarlet? Eh.

I think everyone also saw her grandma still being alive coming. I think we all saw her being killed before the end of the book coming also. I just think that it would’ve been more of a shock to the system if she was already dead.

ALTHOUGH! Speaking of Scarlet’s grandmother, I did like the part when what’s-his-face, uh… RAN! When Ran gave the illusion that he was her grandmother to get more information. I thought that was a good idea on the bad guys’ behalf.

Speaking of the bad guys, somehow I didn’t see the connection between them being the mutants on Lunar. I just thought they were this new cult on Earth. All I could think was, “What a f*cked up cult. Jeez. What drugs are they on?”

It wasn’t until the near end before it clicked. Man I’m slow. Did you guys guess it?

Another thing! I can’t believe I forgot to mention him! Mister Captain Carswell Thorne. My love. I thought I loved Kai, but this man has been placed ahead of my beloved Emperor. He is so funny and quirky and reminds me of Captain Jack Sparrow (as Christine Riccio from polandbananasBOOKS on YouTube states also.) I just can’t help but agree with her.

I’ll put at link to her YouTube at the end of this video. You should check her out, she leaves me in hoots of laughter.

Captain Thorne is everything you want in the sidekick. He brings a whole lot of fun to the party. He’s a little bit kick-ass. A little bit flirty and a whole lot of hilarious. And then they revive Iko! And she’s been brought back to life from the dead (?) after Adri destroys her old body in the last book. So now we have the fun and flirtatious robot back as our ship and she kicks-ass more than what Captain Thorne does! Ugh. She never ceases to amaze me.

On page 202, when Iko saves the day. Ah-maze-ing. She swoops in like the superhero she is. She asks Cinder to duck, and she does. Iko flies forwards and knocks down the guards and ugh! I want Iko. She is the bees-knees. And she always will be.

I hope.

That’s all for my book review today. I hope you enjoyed it.

What was your favourite part of the story? Who’s shaping up to be your favourite character so far?

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