Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Cinder - Marissa Meyer (Book Review)

GOODREADS: 5/5 Stars

Firstly, I have to start with: WHAT AN AMAZING BOOK! For those who don't know what Cinder is about, it's about Cinderella. Yes, lil' ol' Cinderellie -- EXCEPT! It's in the future. It's a lil' bit dystopian. There’s people called ‘Lunars’ who live on the moon. Cinder is the main character, she’s a cyborg. Don’t judge her. She’s AWESOME.

She’s sixteen. She lives in New Beijing with her step-mother, Adri and her two step-sisters Pearl and Peony. They also have a little assistant droid, Iko. She is the bees-knees my friends! What a riot! I love her. She’s easily my fave.

 Anyways, per the usual Cinderella story, the step-mother is a b*tch and so is one of the step-sisters, Pearl. Fortunately enough for Cinder, her other step-sister, fourteen-year-old Peony is a lovely ball of curiosity that you’re bound to fall in love with. I sure did.

This book is easily a MUST READ and a really enjoyable read. I gave it a five-star rating on Goodreads. If you would like to add me, my link is in my description. Anyways, I don’t really know if there’s much more I can say for those who haven’t read it. I don’t want to spoil it, so if I may. I’m going to add a few paragraphs. Say good-bye to those who haven’t read it and skip right into the spoilers!

Fair winds my lovely people who haven’t read it!

I love you!

See you next time!











Welcome back. Did you miss me?

Of course you did.

Anyways, let’s jump right into it. Clearly you can see I’m a HUGE fan of this novel. I loved it from start to finish. It’s such a fun book. It truly sucks you in. Before I get into everything I loved – trust me, there’s a lot – I’m going to start with everything I hate.

My first point: It was very predictable.

I found that from the moment Nainsi – Kai’s robot – began to spurt out that random bits of information about ‘Princess Selene’, that it was very clear that Cinder was going to be that girl. That she was this 'lost princess'. That part still didn’t bother me though. In knew, since that there are still four more books, that the plot would have to go somewhere.

Another thing that I found to be predictable was the fact that Kai would find out. Of course he would find out. You don’t hide something in a book and then expect the love interest to never find out. So clearly that’s another flaw about the predictability of it.

Other than those two things, the rest wasn't too predictable in my opinion. Despite these two predictable things, it was still a very fun story. I actually loved it. I loved how fun it was, it kept me happy, mostly because Kai and Cinder were two characters I can’t help but want together.


I love how at the end, despite all of the commotion that’s going on Marissa Meyer was able to add in Cinder’s mechanical foot falling off. I love how this resembled back to the fairy tale with Cinderella losing her shoe. I'm glad those aspects were still able to fit in and really authenticate the fairy tale within.

Unfortunately, after she loses her shoe, Kai does come to collect the shoe – foot? – but not in the way that one would hope. There’s clear recognition in his face, from when he saw it at the markets. Do you remember when it was sitting in her stall and Kai couldn't help but notice it? Yeah. Thinking back to that moment, when Iko runs in and slams her new foot onto the table. Poor Cinder has to try and (poorly) act blasé about the entire ordeal. 

God damn it Iko.

But going back to the moment at the ball, you can’t help but feel sorry for Cinder. Although it's nice to know that Kai still believes her about the whole thing about Levana trying to kill him after they get married. At least he believed the more important bit of news revealed to him that night. Am I right? Or am I right?

Can you believe how much a b*tch Levana are shaping out to be? I know. This isn't even the worst yet. We still have three more books on b*tchy-*ss Levana. One of them is dedicated to her!! Oh man. Isn't that going to be a fun read? I can't believe Levana wants to kill Kai. He's clearly the love of my life. 

And possibly the love of Iko's life.

And maybe a slight chance of being the love of Cinder's life. :P

 OH! I FORGOT SOMETHING! IKO! When she was dressed up in Adri’s pearls and has the cherry lipstick around her sensor. Isn’t that the cutest moment?! That was the moment I knew I wanted Iko to be my robot. She’s so cute, with her adoration for fashion and shoes and everything girly. I love her. She’s just the cutest.

This book is life.

What was your favourite part? Who’s your favourite character?

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