Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Young Adult Book Subscription Boxes

This is going to be one of many Book Subscription Box posts. I want to cover every genre if I can, but I feel as if starting at Young Adult is my best option seeming as my blog is very YA orientated. So, I have this article in the order from the cheapest option to the most expensive. They are all in USD because some can only be purchased in America. So if you would like to convert the price click HERE to bring up a price converter. 

I would also like to note that these prices and this information was up to date as of the 17th of February 2016. If there is anything wrong within this post or I have missed a subscription box, feel free to shoot me a message and I'll fix that up right away! :) Thank you! And enjoy! 

Let's get started!

BOOKCASE.CLUB – Teenage Dreams Case:
A young adult subscription box that includes 2 Young Adult novels. This box was created in the United States and unfortunately, doesn't ship internationally.  
Monthly Cost: $9.99 USD + p/h.
Subscription Options: Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Annually or Annually. 
Does this company only make this box? No. They also have Strange Worlds Case (Sci-Fi/Fantasy), Thrill Seekers Case (Myster/Thriller), Booking for Love Case (Romance), Read to Me Case (Children’s) and Blind Date Case (Paranormal Romance).

THE BOOK DROP- Young Adult:
A random new young adult book and a goodie! This box was created in the United States and ships to most countries.
Monthly Cost: $13 USD + p/h
Subscription Options: Monthly, Quarterly or Bi-Annually.
Does this company only make this box? No. They also have a Contemporary & Historical Fiction box, a Mystery & Thriller box and a Children’s box.

NOVEL TEA CLUB – Young Adult
A young adult novel, a few packets of a beverages and a little something else. (E.g. Candle, bath bomb, snacks, etc.. This box was created in Canada and ships to most countries.
Monthly Cost: $18.12 USD + p/h
Subscription Options: Monthly or Bi-Annually.
Does this company only make this box? No, there’s also Romance and Sci-fi/Fantasy boxes.

A new release young adult book corresponding with an overall theme and 2-5 other theme-related goodies. This box was created in Australia and ships to most countries.
Monthly Cost: $21.45 USD + p/h
Subscription Options: Monthly, Quartly or Bi-Annually. 
Does this company only make this box? Yes.

A young adult new release hardcover book (either signed by the author or with a signed bookplate), 1-2 high quality bookish items and a personal hand-written note to you. This box was created in the United States and only ships to Canada and the U.S.
Monthly Cost: $23 USD + p/h
Subscription Options: Monthly.
Does this company only make this box? Yes.
Note: Two different subscription options. The ‘Expert Plan’ which includes everything listed in this post, or the ‘Book Exclusive Plan’ which includes only the signature and the book.

A young adult and fantasy subscription box that comes with either a bookish tee or a bookish toy and three to five other pieces of related jewellery, merchandise and a re-usable bag or pouch. This box was created in the U.S. and ships to most countries.
Monthly Cost: $26.00 USD + p/h
Subscription Options: Monthly, Quarterly or Bi-Annually.
Does this company only make this box? Yes.
Note: There are two subscription boxes. Magic, which sticks to the one world or Mystery which randomly changes fandoms.

A subscription box that's not only targeted towards young adult readers. It includes a book, sometimes a tee and several bookish items.It was created in the U.S and unfortunately only ships to the U.S and Canada.
Monthly Cost: $29.98 USD + p/h
Subscription Options: Monthly.
Does this company only make this box? Yes.

 A young adult subscription box that includes new release book corresponding with an overall theme and 3-5 other bookish keepsakes. This box was created in the United States and ships to most countries.
Monthly Cost: $29.99 USD + p/h
Subscription Options: Monthly, Quarterly or Bi-Annually
Does this company only make this box? Yes.

A young adult subscription box that includes a shirt by Appraising Pages and 3-5 feminine home, beauty & fashion items. This was created in the U.S and ships to most countries.
Monthly Cost: $29.99 USD + p/h
Subscription Options: Monthly, Quarterly, Bi-Annually or Annually.
Does this company only make this box? Yes.
Note: Has two box options, the first box is for those who range in shirt sizes XS to XL and the second option is the “Plus” option which ranges from XXL to XXXL.

An all ages subscription box that allows you to choose two books, from two separate genres and you get a special gift included. Was created in the U.S and ships to most countries.
Monthly Cost: $39.95 USD + p/h
Subscription Options: Monthly, Quarterly or Bi-Annually. 
Does this company only make this box? Yes.
Note: Genres include: Women’s fiction, Mystery, Non-Fiction, Young Adult, Children 8-12 and Children 3-7.

A young adult, new release book corresponding with an overall theme and 4-5 other theme-related goodies. Was created in the U.S and ships to most countries.
Monthly Cost: $39.99 USD + p/h.
Subscription Options: Monthly, Quarterly or Bi-Annually.
Does this company only make this box? No. They also have Strange Worlds Case (Sci-Fi/Fantasy), Thrill Seekers Case (Myster/Thriller), Booking for Love Case (Romance), Read to Me Case (Children’s) and Blind Date Case (Paranormal Romance).

QUARTERLY – Book Riot: Young Adult
A young adult subscription box that likes to remain a surprise. The October 2015 box included 2 books and some bookish items. There’s always a personal note in the box as well. Was created in the U.S and ships to most countries.
Monthly Cost: $50.00 USD + p/h
Subscription Options: Quarterly.
Does this company only make this box? No. There are many different types of boxes. There’s also ‘Book Riot' for adult fiction. These two are the only book-related boxes.

And that's all for now! I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know what you think and tell me if I've missed any. Also! Let me know what genre to do next. ^_^ Love you guys! <3

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Cress - Marissa Meyer (Book Review)


This book is the best of the series so far! Oh my gosh! For those who are unaware on what this series is all about, it’s called The Lunar Chronicles and it’s by the amazing Miss Marissa Meyer. There are two books in the series before this one; Cinder and Scarlet and I have already done reviews on both of them. 

The entire series is loosely based around fairy tales, the first, Cinder, is about Cinderella (or Cinder in this case). The second, Scarlet, is about Little Red Riding Hood (Scarlet).  And this one, Cress, is loosely based around Rapunzel. Can you guess what our new protagonist’s name is?

I bet you can’t. ;P

Yep! You’re right. Her name is Cress and she lives in a satellite. Now. If you’re one of those people who intensely dislikes anything space-related, then you still shouldn’t fear this book. That’s all I can say about it without giving too much away. There are moments where there is space involved, yes. But it’s not all of it. I’m pretty sure space comes into play in the final book, Winter.

Cress is such an adventurous story that is so fun. It made me laugh so many times. I’m still loving all the characters and I can’t wait to tell you all about how much I loved it and what I loved, it’s just first I have to say good-bye to those who don’t want to be spoiled.

I love you.

Stay safe.

See you next time! <3








Why hello! Welcome back!

What an amazing turn of events. I loved this book so much. I can’t wait to see what happens in Winter. In my last reviews I went on and on about the obvious and the predictability of these books despite how much I love them. I was so happy to see that I didn’t see a lot of things coming in this novel.

The first thing I didn’t notice – that I probably should have – was the whole Cress dilemma. For some reason I was expecting it to go smoothly. I wanted to see Cress board that ship and then for them to sail on their way to SUCCESS! But that didn’t happen. Of course it didn’t.

B*tch-tits (Sybil) came marching in. She noticed that Cress has been lying about trying to help Queen Levana. She also notices that Cress is clearly about to reach her freedom and she flips. She plans this trap for Cinder and Co. and it’s just not fair! In the turn of event my favourite man in this series, Thorne, loses his eye sight. Which just isn’t fair!

I was pretty upset about Thorne’s lack of vision until I saw how sarcastic Thorne was towards Cress. How their personalities blended together so perfectly! When Thorne asked Cress about their surroundings after they first landed, that was bloody hilarious! Cress hadn’t seen anything about Earth before. She was crammed in a satellite for too bloody long.

She comes out and I have to quote this part. Starting from when Thorne asks Cress where they are;


“It’s beautiful out there.”

A hesitation, before, “Could you be more specific?”

“The sky is this gorgeous, intense blue color.” She pressed her fingers to the glass and traced the wavy hills on the horizon.

“Oh, good. You’ve really narrowed it down for me.”

AH! So funny! And it’s only one of the many amazing conversations the two have. My next favourite scene shared between Thorne and Cress has to be the moment on the following page about Little Cress. Once Little Cress is dead and Cress is just a little bit upset about it

“Um, who’s Little Cress?”

She sniffed. “Me. When I was ten. She lived in the computer and kept me company and now she’s dead.” She squeezed the databoard against her chest. “Poor, sweet Little Cress.”

After a long silence, Thorne cleared his throat. “Scarlet did warn me about this. Do we need to bury Little Cress before we can move on? Want me to say a few words for her?”

Cress glanced up, and though his expression was sympathetic, she thought he was probably mocking her. “I’m not crazy. I know she’s just a computer. It’s just… I programmed her myself, and she was the only friend I had. That’s all.”

“Hey, I’m not judging. I’m familiar with IT-relations. Just wait until you meet our spaceship. She’s a riot.”

F*cking brilliant.

The fact that Thorne is blind is a superb plot twist that I most certainly did not see coming.

See what I did there? ;P

I must say that Marissa Meyer excelled beyond expectations for this novel. She threw in plot twist after plot twist and it easily makes up for the lack of surprise in that last two.

 I did not expect that Doctor Erland would be Cress’s father. I didn’t expect that at all. I had forgotten that he had even had a child. I feel so silly for forgetting an obvious fact.

Another thing I didn’t see coming was for Thorne to win a body for Iko! That was the sweetest thing ever. (You know, ignoring the whole Cress getting really, really heartbroken over it part.) It was just really nice to see that even though he was so far away from Cinder, he knew he would make it back to her alive. He knew he would survive and he knew that Iko deserved that body, no matter how kick-*ss she is as a ship. She would be happier with limbs again.

And by golly she was! Until some jerk decided to damage her new body just after getting it. How insensitive. And guess who that jerk was? Bloody Wolf. I knew it! I knew he was going to be a problem. First getting controlled at the beginning and helping ruin the whole ‘get Cress out of there’ situation. That was all because he didn’t listen to Cinder and now he’s gotten controlled once again and broke Iko! Bloody hell Scarlet. Can’t you find a better partner? Your current one is just a problem.

Honestly, throughout this entire book, I didn’t really care much what Scarlet was doing. She still isn’t one of my favourite characters. She doesn’t have a romantic interest that I care about, so if she departed that team. I wouldn’t be that sad.

On another note! I love how they literally kidnapped Kai. That was amazing. I especially liked that Torin in a way helped by pointing out his second tracking device. I really didn’t go into this book expecting Cinder to kidnap the Emperor. But she did and it was magnificent.

I also have decided I hate Jacin. Although, I never really trusted him from the beginning. He just had a vibe that didn’t seem friendly. Or maybe that’s because he has a douche-y personality without the whole ‘betrayal’ thing. But if he could so easily betray Levana, what made Cinder think that she could trust him?

And, finally. I wanted to talk about Winter. She seems to be a bit of a loony. Don’t you think? I don’t know if she’s going to be as bonkers as she’s made out to be in that last snippet of the book. I think she’s going to be more of a Luna Lovegood opposed to a screaming psychopath. But you never know!
Anyways! I have to round this off. It was lovely reviewing with you.

See you next time! <3